Random acts of optimism in Sales

13th February 2023

Of course there is nothing wrong with being optimistic in sales. On the contrary – if ever there was a sector that thrives on optimism against the pressure, the knockbacks, the expectations, an optimistic attitude is surely an essential personality trait for every B2B salesperson? What we’re talking about here though are the ‘random’ acts […]

How to create an effective sales enablement strategy

2nd February 2023

The buyer dynamic is changing. B2B customers are more informed and empowered than ever before and often delay engaging with sales teams until they have either fully defined their needs or identified specific solutions. The pressure to meet quotas and revenue targets is growing as sales people struggle to make a lasting impact with buyers.

Only a fifth of companies excel at sales processes

10th October 2022

In the first of this blog series, Padeda takes a closer look at the latest global research and the action companies can take for long term sales performance sustainability As sales leaders, we’re all too aware of the detrimental impact of inefficient sales processes and the knock on effect on overall team performance. Yet, it […]

Humility – The highest level of Emotional Intelligence for Salespeople

13th September 2022

Straightforward question. What are the top personality traits of the most successful sales people? Chances are while you’re mentally reeling off the strongest skills, humility probably wouldn’t come high on the list.

Are you feeling the pressure of selling time?

3rd August 2022

Are you feeling the pressure of selling time? For most businesses, the answer would be a resounding ‘yes’. They say time is precious, but in the world of sales it is simply invaluable.

The highs and lows of silos

1st June 2022

Closed culture, operating solo, working in silos – however we refer to it there are always negative connotations in relation to the corporate world. It is a viewpoint that has been held for more than 25 years, ever since the then CEO of GE Jack Welch advocated a ‘boundaryless organisation’ for his company. The inspired […]

Beat the clever fridges – Artificial intelligence in B2B Sales

29th April 2022

Picture the scene. A ‘smart’ fridge so technologically advanced that it tracks precisely what food is going in and out. When stocks run low it contacts Amazon, places an order and then a drone drops the replacement food direct to your front door without you having to lift a finger.

Why sales managers kill the win rate

23rd March 2022

“Give me the numbers this month”. And there goes the first bullet. If we had to pick one phrase that encapsulates how not to manage a sales team, this is probably it.

Top four priorities for the most effective sales leaders

12th January 2022

Juggling the priority list is a constant struggle for sales leaders. What comes first – help teams sell more to existing customers, find and sell to new customers, improve team performance and productivity, build long term relationships or outpace customer expectations? Short term priorities might change during a day, a week or a quarter and […]

Reached a dead end? How to plan a sales transformation.

3rd December 2021

It was Stephen Covey who coined the phrase ‘Begin with the end in mind’ in his bestseller The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People. Although the renowned book focused on personal change, the statement is still a poignant one for achieving change in the business world.  In fact, it should be the first step of […]